
Romman Chocolate Review

Romman Chocolate

Shisha Cut: fine, dark brown in color. Moist, not drippy.

Hookah Type: MYA QT, 22” Egyptian

Duration: 45min

Bowl: standard clay, MYA

Foil / Screen: foil + windcover

Coal / Amount: 2” Exotica, 1 Golden QL

Smoke: medium to thick

Buzz: none

Smell / Flavor: Smell – defiantly chocolate. No second-guessing, it was a cross between Tootsie rolls and Heresy bars. Taste – BIG DISAPOINTMENT. Doesn’t live up to the Hersey, but favors the Tootsie rolls.

Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=205wuQij_eI

Rating (1 to 10): 4

A decent flavor, but a big disappointment if you were looking for a solid chocolate flavor. Smells lovely, but unless you like Tootsie rolls, this flavor will be a let down. It’s alright as far as chocolates go, but it’s not the grand-daddy CHOCOLATE that I’ve been looking for. I can safely say, you can pass this over if your looking for a true chocolate.

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