
Al Ajamy Esk Apple Review

Al Ajamy Esk Apple

Shisha Cut: med to fine, some stems, light brown
in color, drippy

Hookah Type: 22" Egyptian

Duration: 1hr 15min

Bowl: standard Egyptian clay

Foil / Screen: foil

Coal / Amount: 2" exotica

Smoke: thick

Buzz: mild

Smell / Flavor: Smell was that of a Sweet Apple crossed with Rose. Taste was pretty good, faint undertone of rose (non-soapy) with strong sweet apple taste. No anise flavoring.

Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQgG7vRSG6I

Rating (1 to 10): 8

With 3 people hitting this, it still lasted over a hour and NEVER got burnt! Great taste, considering I was worried about the smell - I picked up a Rose, with apple undertone. They (other 2 smokers) smelt apple w/ rose undertone.

I'm pleasantly surprised with this flavor, not quite as good as Al Fakher Esk Apple, but very close. The only downside I see to regularly purchasing this brand/flavor - it's the same price as Al Fakher, which is more commonly found. But, since this flavor in this brand was decent, I may be willing to purchase other flavors for experimenting.

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