
Al Fahker Golden Eskandarani Apple Review

Al Fahker Golden Eskandarani Apple

Shisha Cut: med to fine, little to no stems. Light brown in color. Very drippy.

Hookah Type: 27" Syrain

Duration: 2 hours +

Bowl: Smiley

Foil / Screen: foil

Coal / Amount: 4 total Japan ST, 2 @ a time

Smoke: thick

Buzz: light to mild

Smell / Flavor: Smell was nice tart green apple. I'm not the fan of Apple shisha, but this smelt great and was missing the typical anise (liquorish) smell. Taste was a little on the light side, but very good. Slightly sour on the exhale. Mild and tasty - even took a slight burning well (recovered fast - moved coal).

Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mi-89xYuuI

Rating (1 to 10): 10

I typically don't like apple that much, but this is a nice version. A little light on the taste, it was still very enjoyable and extremely long lasting. 2 hours later and I still have taste, thick smoke, and no burnt smell/taste.

This is One of my Staple Flavors. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants an apple without the anise flavor.

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