After I smoked some of the Bounty, I tried to set-up a bowl of Tangier's Kiwi - but happie little boy Trance wanted PIZZA and since I'm the one with alittle of money... quess who had to come... crap! Wasted a whole bowl of shisha on his worthless bum!
Oh and he's complaining about the Tangier's. He can't smoke it - he can smoke Zag, but not Tang? WTHeck? I can smoke Tangier's and I don't ciggy smoke! He's the biggest puss at times.
Have a LARGE shisha order planned in the future. I know now some of the flavors I like, so I need to buy them in larger sizes (mostly because I'm almost out on some). Trance likes non-sweet flavors, so I have to get him something he'd use too.
250g Havana or Al Fak Cappacino
250g Layalina Peach
250g Tangier's Kasmir Peach
250g Pharo's French Vallina
150g Smiley's Sexy Horshca
Hookah-Shisha.com has Al Fak, Tangiers and Layalina, but MNHookah.com has everything (although they have Havana no Al Fak). It will run about $60 +/- for that order, but it will be worth it in the long run. Fine premuim shisha to sit back and enjoy... Laz will be a happy gurl.
And let's not forget the gaming front: Just got a PM from BigSheep that the WC should be sitting in my "mailbox" when I log in next! How freaking sweet is this!But it never fails... our internet has been out since Sunday.... and now I think the router is dead as well. Crap (on a stick)! Cable provider told me to leave the modem upplugged till tomorrow... so we'll see if everything is working then.
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