Coco Nara Square Coals Review
Home Site: www.coco-nara.com
Site: https://www.coco-nara.us/default.aspx (For US based customers)
Site is simple, uses drag-in-drop interface to add items to shopping chart. Has a “Home”, Wholesale, About Us and Contact Us Sections – no direct address for the company or telephone number listed. Whole site shows up as {https://}
Box insert has Tell/Fax number: 961-1-870881, Cell: 961-3-885206
Only 2 items available for purchase: 16 count package for 2.99 and 84 count package for 12.99.
Shipping was very cheap - .99 to my location (Southern VA), expected in 3-4 days.
Site accepts (according to icons on bottom): Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Discover.
Placed order and later received 2 emails: 1st was a confirmation of the order. 2nd was an invoice from PayPal for the item, with a note that my “Credit Card Number was Incorrect”. I used a Visa ATM/Debit card and I’ve gotten this error before. Already had PayPal account, sent funds. If you contact them before ordering, they may be able to send a PayPal invoice outright.
Order Date: 01/25/2008
Date of Arrival: 01/28/2008
Packaging & Shipping carrier: USPS, padded envolpe
Charcoal package itself: Cardboard outer box, plastic bag inside – tapped.
Appearance of coals: 1” x 1”x ½” square. Black in color. Sides are smooth, bottom & top are rough. Very dence, unable to break by hand.
before cooking: none
during cooking: none
after/smoking: first 5 min picked up slight “wood” smell
Ease of Lighting
Source needed: substainded heat – lighters will NOT work.
Time Needed: 8-10 mins to glowing red hot and ashed over.
Appearance: On coals, thin grey coating. When knocked off, crumbly pieces mixed with red-hot embers. Very small amount.
Frequency: Only needed to ash 4 times total for entire smoke session. Did not overly block heat output.
Duration: 1 hour 25 min
Heat amount: Good – required 2 square to heat 1 clay bowl to “Thick” cloud level. Did not need windcover till end of coals (over 1 hour mark with 1 coal). Did not see "heat lines" but most defiantly felt the heat.
Reusable: test still pending
Overall Score: 9/10
Recommend: should be good, but want to use a few more times before recommending 100%
It appears the 16 count box is equal to about 1 standard (10 piece) roll of Quicklights (3 kings or Goldens). Needed 2 coals to smoke session, but heat was uniform and constant. No noticeable smell or taste, other than first 5 minutes on bowl – had a faint “woody” smell.
Box had a small insert that listed facts for the coal:
· Is a charcoal made from Coconut shell and vegetables
· Is 100% natural· Burns 3 times longer than any other charcoal
· Leaves less than 4% ash· Is more economical to use
· Is easy to light
· Is an environment friendly product “Not a single tree was cut to make the product”
· Is ordorless and tasteless
· Is easier to handle and cleaner to use
· Is a tropical product adapted for the Arab market
Box states that coals should be RED hot before using. 8 mins produced a “glowing” coal, but coal wasn’t completely ashed over. This coal still produced similar heat and may have been source of “woody” smell. After 35min of constant smoking, semi-ashed coal was fully cooked.
After 45 min, put 1 coal out in water for testing (re-lighting) but 1 coal was still able to produce enough heat to smoke (medium smoke). After 1 hour 15 mins, the coal required windcover to continue to smoke (med to thin smoke, but full taste). After 1 hour 25 min coal was too small to continue to smoke. May have gone longer if BOTH coals were still on bowl, more testing is needed.
Romman Blend: Strawberry Chocolate Cake Review
Shisha Cut: med, some stems, dark brown in color and sticky (not drippy, but more than HH)
Hookah Type: 22" Egyptian
Duration: 1hr to 1hr-20min (up to 1 hr 40 min)
Bowl: standard egyptian clay
Foil / Screen: HD foil
Coal / Amount: (2) 1" Exoticas
Smoke: Thick
Buzz: Slight to heavy (depending on smoking style)
Smell / Flavor: Smell = it's strange, you pick up some strawberry but no chocolate rather a cola. And something sweet. Taste = You can taste strawberry, some cola, very faint undercurrent of chocolate and some sweetness. Not sweet like candy, but it's sweet. It heavily reminds me of Cherry Coke, no joke.
Layalina Raspberry Review

Shisha Cut: med , light stems, dark red and drippy
Hookah Type: 27" Syrian
Duration: 45min
Bowl: Egyptian clay
Foil / Screen: foil + windcover
Coal / Amount: 2.5" Exotica
Smoke: med to thick (depending on heat)
Buzz: none to speak of
Smell / Flavor: Smell was a nice raspberry, slightly sweet but decent. Taste was a disappointment. It had a very faint raspberry taste, not bad when you could taste it, but hard to pick up.
Rating (1 to 10): (updated) 7.5
Smokes well, smells great, but the taste was a let down. It could be the way I was smoking it - room temp water & Egyptian bowl. I may make a foil phunnel tonight and chill the stem/base/water to see if that enhances the taste (also, I have a bit of a head cold, so that doesn't help, but the AF Esk Apple tasted perfectly fine).
Fusion Chocolate Strawberry Review

Shisha Cut: Fine, with some stems (more than normal). Light brown, very drippy - Lay or Tangier drippy.
Hookah Type: 27" Syrian
Duration: 2hr
Bowl: MED Phunnel w/ Mod and windcover at times
Foil / Screen: foil
Coal / Amount: 2-3 (33m) Goldens to start, replaced when needed. Grand total of 5 coals.
Smoke: Thick
Buzz: Mild
Smell / Flavor: The smell was strawberry, almost no hint of chocolate. Sweet smelling, but not candy-ish. Taste was defiantly strawberry - sweet, but not sickly sweet like candy. After shisha heated up (15min) started to get some chocolate taste.
Video LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOtHglSXXIg
Rating (1 to 10): 7-7.5
Very good, mild shisha. Pleasant smoke - not overly chocolate tasting. Sweet strawberry was the main flavor - but it wasn't candy sweet. Would be good to mix with some Vanilla or Coconut, or a staple like Peach, Orange and the like. Very drippy wet tobacco, would work great in a phunnel & can handle alittle bit of heat.
Highly Recommend.
Al Fakher Rose Review

Shisha Cut: med to fine, light on stems. Dark Red in color. Drippy.
Hookah Type: 17" Modern, 27" Syrain
Duration: 1.25 hr-1.5hr
Bowl: mini clay, standard clay
Foil / Screen: screen
Coal / Amount: 2 JST, 2 1" exoticas
Smoke: med to thick
Buzz: mild
Smell / Flavor: Smelt just like a rose, no joking. Fresh picked flower! I couldn't believe my nose. Taste... I have to assume that if I ate a Rose, that's what it would taste like. Very interesting taste, not horrible, but alarming if you aren't expecting it. Slightly sweet as well. Surprising good.
Video Link: (One day soon)
Rating (1 to 10): 7
I was happily surprised by this shisha. It was bought for a friend who hasn't gotten around to smoking it - so I tried some. Smells and tastes like a Rose (taste I'm guessing). Very nice and mellow, if a bit surprising at first. Can get a little overpowering, but still a good smoke.
Al Fakher Mint Review

Shisha Cut: med to fine, very little stems. Red in color. Drippy.
Hookah Type: 27" Syrian, 2-hose Engineer
Duration: 1-3 hours, dependant on number of people (1 = 3hr, 4 = 1hr)
Bowl: X-lg clay
Foil / Screen: foil
Coal / Amount: 2 - 2" natural coal fingers
Smoke: thick
Buzz: slight
Smell / Flavor: Smell = mellow minty smell. Not overpowering, not sweet, just minty. Taste was mellow as well. Not overly strong, but just powerfully enough to "wow" you. Not sweet either.
Video Link:
Rating (1 to 10): 9.5
I wanted to try another brand of Mint, plus wanted some for a mixer. By it's self, this is a good smoke. A lot less harsh than Havana's, more mellow and refreshing. As a mixer - it can't be beat! Works well every time I've used it so far!
Some of the people I was smoking with did consider it a little strong by itself, but I didn't (they are new to hookah) nor did my BF - the ciggy smoker. He enjoyed it because it was lighter than a Menthol ciggy.
Al Fakher Strawberry (not Golden line) Review

Shisha Cut: med, light on stems. Dark Red in color. Drippy.
Hookah Type: 27" Syrian
Duration: (2) 1hr sessions
Bowl: split deep bowl (party)
Foil / Screen: foil
Coal / Amount: (1) 2" of Dy Natural Finger, then (1) 33m Golden - windcover both times
Smoke: med to thick
Buzz: slight to mild
Smell / Flavor: Smelt very similar to Bubble Yum Strawberry gum. Sweet candy-like smell. Taste was just like the smell, very similar to the gum flavor. Not a true strawberry flavor, sweeter and had a creamy undertone to it.
Video Link: (someday soon)
Rating (1 to 10): 8
I like strawberry and this one I really like. I love the sweetness, the candy taste to it, although it can get a little overpowering. Had a nice creamy undertone - I can understand why some people don't like it or say it has a faint coconut taste to it. It's more like smoking bubble gum or Strawberry Creamsavers candy, it has a definate Creaminess to it that some people don't enjoy.
Tonic Chocolate Mint Vanilla Review
Shisha Cut: med cut, some stems, dark brown/black in color, sticky
Hookah Type: 27" Syrian
Duration: 55min
Bowl: Egyptian clay
Foil / Screen: foil
Coal / Amount: (2) 1.5" exotica’s
Smoke: med to thick
Buzz: light to med
Smell / Flavor: Smell was a nice minty chocolate mix, not as strong as AW's After9 or Nakhla's Cocomint, similar in smell to SB's Chocolate Mint, but with a vanilla undertone. Taste was nice, you defiantly know it was chocolate mint - weaker (in taste) than AW or Nakhla, stronger than SB's. Chocolate, with vanilla tones and a nice mint aftertaste.
Video Link: (coming soon)
Rating (1 to 10): 8
I had grown tired of AW's version and Nakhla's is quite strong, SB's was iffy (and costs too much) but Tonic seemed to hit the mark on this flavor. Just the right mix, you can defiantly tell it's chocolate, the vanilla is a nice sweet surprise and the mint makes a great finisher.
But, there were a few reasons for the 8 score: 1) heat sensitive just like SB and 2) not much cheaper than SB.
All in all, if you want a newer version of Chocolate Mint (Vanilla) try this, just remember - it's NOT Al Waha's Afternine and it suffers the same issues as Starbuzz.